
Epic User Manual

A social series full of non boring How-To’s

These days, devices only come with tiny quickstart guides that give you the basics. So, users time and time again would turn to How-To videos which are usually dry and impersonal.

So for the latest Samsung Galaxy S Series, we created THE EPIC USER MANUAL. A user manual made by users.

Across Instagram and YouTube we released this series of entertaining yet educational films.

From using 100X ZOOM to play hide and to seek, to using Text Capture to survive the world’s longest Wifi Password, each part of the Epic User Manual gave you a new and exciting way to make the most of the Galaxy S23.

To bring each part of the manual to life in an organically social way, we partnered with Samsung Galaxy creators such as Caleb Natale, Lea Sabban, Ben Treat, Izhan Ahmed, Bulut Sahin, Blake Stafford.

My role: Creative Direction

Agency: W+K Amsterdam
Creative Director: Riccardo Rachello, Jake Barnes
Team: Morgane Lambert, Anita Fesser, Tyler Andre

Who's got two thumbs and coded this beaut?